Saturday 30 May 2015

Hill dwellers realizes bird's role in economics of biodiversity

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For Kanrei Horam, banning of bird hunting in and around his native Kharasom village in Manipur’s hill district of Ukhrul is simply good news. Because it will help in regenerating Yongchak trees and other agro-resources besides reviving loss habitat of the rare birds in his hill village which is located about 160 km north of state capital. Large scale hunting, use of pesticides, loss of habitat due to deforestation to meet the demands of an expanding population coupled by the changing climatic condition has threatened the rich biodiversity of Manipur hills and rendered certain bird species vanished from its existence in the region. The ban on bird hunting was in force following the villages’ yearly public sitting in January this year. “The reason behind the ban is related with the attack on village crops mostly in Yongchak (Perkia Timoriana) trees by unknown insects”, says 58 year old Kanrei, a key functionary of Kharasom village authority. “The incident(insect invasion) has severely affected Yongchak business last year.” read more